Directory: Homepage > Announcements > PSA: The center of the Vormrodian Projects is now accessible in English

PSA: The center of the Vormrodian Projects is now accessible in English

Written by: Vormrodo | Published on: December 28th 2024, 18:00 o'clock (Europe/Berlin) | Distribution: System-wide | Language(s): German, English

To all the interested ones and users of the projects,
Shortly before the end of the year 2024, the central site of the Vormrodian Projects from now on is available in English, wherewith the internationalization of our organization begins. The website, which functions as the center of the projects, is an important junction for announcements and notices as well as the transparency behind the project works.
The current progress of the translation of our center is related to the intention of expanding our projects into further parts of the world, which was published in an official statement a few months ago.
It wasn't the translation itself, but rewriting the source code for the compatibility with multiple languages that was a higher effort, which is now considered overcome.

With the new code structure, we'll soon continue with rewriting the website source codes for both Conexizan and VormWeb. Despite already having the translation of VormWeb into English, optimizations have to be done in order to make sure of it's compatibility with more languages.
Furthermore, our public communication channels will be designed to adapt German and English as the main languages.

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